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Metallica COVID lawsuit fades to black

Posted On: Mar. 25, 2024 9:48 AM CST


Enter Taylor Swift lyrics: A record-scratching moment for metalheads everywhere.

A California judge quoted the pop star’s bubbly prose to help squash the popular heavy metal band Metallica’s argument that “factors other than coronavirus” could have led to six concerts being canceled in 2020, and that Lloyd’s of London owed them $3 million in losses, according to the San Francisco Chronicle.

The latest in the ongoing stream of COVID shutdown lawsuits, the Los Angeles judge on March 18 dismissed this argument as unrealistic given the severe impact of the disease at the time, writing that it was “absurd to think that government closures were not the result of COVID-19.”

The judge added, “To paraphrase Taylor Swift: ‘We were there. We remember it all too well.’”

Many insurers like Lloyd’s had denied Metallica’s claim, like so many others, over a communicable disease exclusion, according to the article.