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Maryland introduces second bill allowing child support recovery in comp

Posted On: Feb. 8, 2023 11:52 AM CST

child support

Maryland lawmakers have filed follow-up legislation to a bill introduced last month that would subject workers compensation benefits to child support arrearages.

State delegates introduced HB 800 on Wednesday, which allows for 25% of the net recovery by debtors in workers comp claims to be subject to execution on a judgment for past child support.

The measure was cross-filed with Senate Bill 71, which was introduced Jan. 11 and contains similar provisions.

The text of the House bill was not immediately available.

The Senate bill, which is currently going through the committee process, defines net recovery as money that claimants receive in workers comp cases after deductions for attorneys fees, expenses, medical bills and any outstanding liens or claims for personal injury.

After being introduced Wednesday, HB 800 was sent to the House Judiciary Committee for consideration.