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Remote chance of understanding benefits

Posted On: Oct. 3, 2022 10:40 AM CST


Mandatory open enrollment luncheons aren’t looking so dull these days.

A Metlife Inc. Survey released Monday shows nearly half (45%) of remote workers are struggling to understand their employee benefits – significantly more so than their on-site peers, at 29%. 

This comes as remote workers also spend more time worrying about their benefits: 55% spent more than one hour per week doing so – compared to just 37% of on-site/hybrid employees who said the same – and they experience greater financial stress: 55% cite high financial anxiety, compared to only 46% of their hybrid and on-site peers, according to the survey.

With gaps in communication to remote workers also greater, according to the survey, Metlife says this year’s open enrollment is an opportunity for employers to bolster their communication around benefits, as 65% of remote workers say a better understanding of open enrollment would help make them feel more financially secure and 61% of remote employees say their employer’s benefits are a significant part of what’s keeping them at their company.