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Pandemic a pain in the neck

Posted On: Dec. 13, 2021 9:36 AM CST


It’s clear the pandemic took its toll on Americans’ eyes, backs and joints, according to an analysis of Google searches released Monday by Harmony Healthcare IT, which found a 40% increase in searches for all tech ailments since the start of COVID-19.

Since October of 2019, searches related to back pain from working at a computer increased by 142%, perhaps the result of Zoom work calls, Zoom happy hours and Zoom conferences, the analysis by the health data firm found.

There was also a 78% increase in searches related to eye strain from working at a computer.

Searches for the best desk chair for back pain skyrocketed by 392% and searches for the best office chair for back pain went up by 236% since October 2019. All that increased time on phones and computers didn’t come without a cost either: searches for headaches related to screen time increased by 255% over the same period.