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New York proposes fee schedule for treating PTSD, stress disorder

Posted On: Oct. 23, 2020 12:31 PM CST


The New York Workers Compensation Board has proposed a rule to add stress disorders to the state’s medical treatment guidelines, according to Wednesday’s New York State Register of proposed rulemaking.

The filing proposes to add post-traumatic stress disorder, acute stress disorder and major depressive disorder to the state’s workers comp treatment guidelines. The rule would require all medical providers in the state to adhere to the guidelines and request variances, if needed. The filing also stated that the board expects the rule to reduce medical costs and lower workers comp costs, and authorizes the chair of the board to establish a medical fee schedule for treating these occupational diseases.

The rule is slated to take effect Jan. 1, 2021. The guidelines will be available for free on the board’s website.