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Smile, it’s likely you are on camera

Posted On: Sep. 23, 2020 11:21 AM CST

security camera

If it always feels like someone is watching you, they are.


A study released Monday by security camera company found that security cameras put everyday Americans in the spotlight an average of 238 times a week.


Lauded by businesses and insurance companies as a risk management strategy that in some ways can result in insurance premium savings, the explosion of the surveillance technology market means that even driving around your neighborhood puts you on camera an average of 160 time a week, according to the study.


At home or walking around the neighborhood? Fourteen times per week on average. Shopping or running errands? Lights, cameras, action: 24 times per week on average.


“One thing to note about our study is the drastic underestimation by most U.S. residents of how many times they are being filmed each day,” said in its results, adding that a 2016 survey that “the majority of people assumed they were being recorded or filmed less than five times a day.”