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No Zoom for babies in the background

Posted On: Aug. 11, 2020 11:08 AM CST


The pitter-patter of little kids in the background is a work-from-home video conferencing etiquette no-no, according to a survey of 1,000 telecommuting workers in July.

And there appears to be a generational divide on the topic: 34% of baby boomers say children in the background are violations of workplace etiquette and 30% of Generation X workers agree; while only 22% of millennials and 11% of Generation Z workers attest that screaming, fighting, giggling and crying are an issue of professionalism, according to the results released by GoAnimate Inc., which creates training software under the name Vyond.

Of the other violations noted, 41% of colleagues mentioned failing to mute microphones and 39% pegged an “inappropriate background visible” as being inappropriate. Of the locations, “bed” was mentioned by 33% of survey respondents.