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Ergonomics options mirror dog training: sit, stand, lie down

Posted On: Jan. 16, 2020 12:40 PM CST


You might want to lie down to read this.

That’s if you are working and want to minimize physical ailments and improve productivity and circulation.

Such are the claims of a San Francisco-based company trying to persuade office workers to start lying down on the job, with a reclining desk that appears to be half desk and half reclining dentist’s chair, the Daily Mail reported Wednesday.

Altwork’s Signature Station desk, first released in 2016 for $5,500, is now pushing an updated $7,600 model that includes built-in plugs and an optional 40-pound spring housing to keep heavier computer displays in place, according to the article.  

Among its fans, a reporter for the news site recently gave the setup a try: “Freed of the distracting discomfort brought on by endless sitting or standing — the restless legs, the never-straight-enough spine — your brain suddenly finds itself more able to get on with the business of putting its best thoughts on the screen.”