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OSHA cites plastics maker after new employee loses fingers

Posted On: Aug. 17, 2015 12:00 AM CST

OSHA cites plastics maker after new employee loses fingers

The U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration is citing a plastic manufacturer after a 21-year-old worker was severely burned and lost several fingers on his first day on the job.

The unnamed new employee had been working for only a few hours when he was injured on March 2 trying to clear a jam in a plastic molding machine at Elyria, Ohio-based Quality Blow Molding Inc., OSHA said Thursday in a statement. He suffered severe burns and lost four fingers on his right hand.

According to the statement, Quality Blow Molding failed to train the man about safety requirements and didn't report the injury.

OSHA last week cited the company for two willful violations, two repeated violations and one “other-than-serious” violation, which has a direct relationship to job safety and health but isn't serious in nature, according to the statement.

Having been cited for similar hazards in 2010 and 2014, Quality Blow Molding was placed in OSHA's Severe Violator Enforcement Program as a result of the March 2 accident and faces proposed penalties of $171,270, according to the statement.

“The company has 15 business days from receipt of its citations and penalties to comply, request an informal conference with OSHA's area director, or contest the findings before the independent Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission,” OSHA said in the statement.

Quality Blow Molding did not immediately respond to a request for comment.