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Nevada insurance commissioner resigns

Posted On: Jun. 15, 2015 12:00 AM CST

Nevada Insurance Commissioner Scott J. Kipper will resign his post effective July 2, the Nevada Division of Insurance said.

A spokeswoman for the department could not discuss Mr. Kipper's future plans.

Mr. Kipper first served as commissioner from 2008 to 2010 and was reappointed to his current position in 2011, the division said Thursday in a statement. He has served on the executive committee of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners and on the Federal Advisory Committee on Insurance at the U.S. Department of Treasury.

He was previously a deputy commissioner in charge of the office of health insurance at the Louisiana Department of Insurance and insurance administrator for Oregon.

β€œIt has been an honor to have served the State of Nevada as commissioner. I am proud of the division's accomplishments,” Mr. Kipper said in the statement. β€œI am certain that the Division of Insurance will continue to serve the consumers, protecting the rights of all Nevadans as we regulate the $12 billion dollar insurance industry.”