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UP CLOSE: Krista Tankersley

Posted On: Aug. 17, 2014 12:00 AM CST

UP CLOSE: Krista Tankersley


Crystal & Company

PREVIOUS POSITION: Dallas-based vice president at National Financial Partners Corp.

GOALS FOR NEW POSITION: Building the Crystal brand in Dallas will be important. Crystal is known nationally, but Dallas is accustomed to the big brands that we all know. I think that the marketplace is open to a new player. We bring something unique to the table. We have some of the best people in the industry.

CHALLENGES FACING INDUSTRY: We're in a really good marketplace right now. When I look at lines of business, I think one of the areas we are going to have to keep up with is technology, from a security perspective. That's not only for our own company but to advise our clients on cyber security.

FIRST INDUSTRY JOB: A London-based insurance firm, Lambert Fenchurch (Group), to help put Lamberts on the map in the United States. I was the only female officer in 34 countries.

WHAT SURPRISED ME: How antiquated the industry was for how large it is. Back then, you sat face to face with people. Now (the industry) relies on email and technology.

ADVICE: I would say truly listen to your clients. Sit down with them and have a conversation. Listen to them and be creative in your approach. It will set you apart from your competitors.

OUTSIDE THE INDUSTRY, A DREAM JOB: I would probably try to save the world in some way and help others. I would say a traveling surgeon helping people.

HOBBIES: Traveling is at the top of the list ... I'm an animal lover, too. I spend a lot of time raising funds for the ASPCA of Texas and helping animals find a home.

FAVORITE BOOK: “The Trident: The Forging and Reforging of a Navy SEAL Leader” by Jason Redman and John Bruning.