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OFF BEAT: Brutal rec hockey league check puts player, league on thin ice

Posted On: Aug. 15, 2014 12:00 AM CST

A Canadian judge says league officials may have dropped the puck after a brutal hit in a recreational hockey game.

Ontario Court Justice Diane Lahaie on Wednesday convicted Ottawa Senior Men’s Hockey League player Gordon MacIsaac, 31, of aggravated assault for a check he delivered to an opposing player in the final minute of a men’s non-contact league game two years ago.

The check left the victim, Drew Casterton — who has also filed a $600,000 lawsuit against Mr. MacIsaac and the Ottawa league — with a concussion and persistent headaches.

Though Mr. MacIsaac was fined $5,000 and sentenced to 18 months probation for his Scott Stevens impersonation, his lawyer, Patrick McCann, said the potential impact of the judge’s decision in the rare criminal conviction is much broader.

“It will inevitably create a chilling effect on anybody that considers playing recreational hockey.” Mr. McCann told the Ottawa Citizen. “This could happen to anybody in that situation.”

By “anybody” we assume he means anybody who has seen “Slap Shot” one too many times.