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OFF BEAT: Marathon-running chiropractor faces prison time for fraud

Posted On: Dec. 10, 2013 12:00 AM CST

A marathon-running chiropractor, who got an employee who worked for him to file false records on fictitious business letterhead listing his “treatment” for nonexistent injuries, now faces prison time on a federal fraud charge.

Lawrence S. Herman, 47, whose guilty plea carries a penalty of up to five years in prison, was involved in a traffic accident in August 2011, according to reports.

Although he was not hurt, prosecutors say, he still filed an injury claim with the San Antonio-based U.S. Automobile Association Insurance Co. and hired a law firm to sue the insurer for $60,000, according to the report,

Meanwhile, Mr. Herman was running in full and half marathons and 5K and 10K races, according to the report.

It is likely going to be hard for Mr. Herman, though, to continue to stay in shape running around the prison yard.