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House to vote on bill to repeal health care reform law

Posted On: Jul. 2, 2012 12:00 AM CST

House to vote on bill to repeal health care reform law

WASHINGTON—The House of Representatives next week is scheduled to vote on legislation to repeal the health care reform law.

The vote will be held July 11, said House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, R-Va., at a news briefing following the Supreme Court ruling that upheld the law's individual mandate.

“We have seen this law increase costs, and we are committed to changing that,” Rep. Cantor said.

If the House repeals the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, it would be the second time. Last year, in a near party-line vote, the House approved a repeal measure introduced by Rep. Cantor.

The Senate, though, did not take up the repeal bill and it is unlikely that the Senate, where Democrats are in the majority, would do so this time, either.