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Hannover Re puts Air France crash claims at $34.9 million

Posted On: Jun. 23, 2009 12:00 AM CST

FRANKFURT (Reuters)—Hannover Re A.G. expects net damage claims of 25 million euros ($34.9 million) linked to the June 1 crash of an Air France plane in which 228 people died, Hannover Re said Tuesday.

A spokeswoman for the German reinsurer said the estimate was preliminary as the company awaited further information about the possible causes of the crash.

Investigators have not yet found flight recorders, France's air accident authority said on Tuesday after a report that signals from the recorders had been picked up.

Flight AF 447 from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, to Paris crashed into the Atlantic after flying into stormy weather. Brazilian and French ships are still searching the ocean for debris and bodies.

Munich Reinsurance Co. said on Tuesday that its estimate of the net damage claims it faces from the crash remain in the mid-double-digit million dollar range.