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Posted On: Apr. 26, 2009 12:00 AM CST


NEW JOB TITLE: Cherry Hill, N.J.-based vp/employee benefits for Conner Strong Cos. Inc.

PREVIOUS POSITION: Principal, lead client consultant and portfolio manager for the Philadelphia and Bridgewater, N.J., offices of Hewitt Associates Inc.

GOALS FOR NEW POSITION: My primary objective is to exceed our clients' expectations. Secondarily, to make sure that we are understanding and listening to our clients' conditions in a changing environment, and bringing them solutions that will help in the short term and...with the longer-term strategy that we helped them create. In addition, I want to help them improve business results so it's a win-win all around.

INDUSTRY CHALLENGES: In the benefits world, it's getting a little tougher (for businesses) to provide the kind of benefits package you want for your attraction and retention goals, while trying to keep your eye on costs and business goals. On the health care side, (the challenge is) how do we manage costs while the advances in technology and the advances in physician innovation have spurred a lot of additional costs, which are important in improving health and outcomes; but we've got to figure out how to deliver that in a cost-effective way while we're all minding our budgets.

IF I COULD CHANGE ONE THING IN THE INDUSTRY: I would hope that we could integrate data more efficiently and make sure the (health care) advances that are being made are done so to improve health and productivity.

FIRST INDUSTRY JOB: I was a group insurance underwriter with Prudential and my responsibility as an underwriter was to protect the financial interests of the company and also help maintain and grow our membership.

ADVICE: Our industry succeeds based on how much our clients want to retain us. If we focus on exceeding their expectations and take time to listen to them, and come to them with solutions that align with their business strategies, those are the things that are important.

OUTSIDE THE INDUSTRY, A DREAM JOB: An architect. I like the idea of drafting a blueprint and seeing that through to a tangible result.